Showing Tag: " zoe" (Show all posts)

Two Under Two: Trying to Survive

Posted by Briana Meade on Friday, August 16, 2013,
I am not sure I am going to survive this part of my life. Nothing could have prepared me for the sleep training I have undergone for an intensive 35+ days and counting. I am pretty sure that every mom of 2+ kids could survive military bootcamp, or Navy Seal Training. I mean, come on, if I can lift a 30 lb. car seat in one hand, grab the arm of a 30 lb. toddler in the other hand, and still manage to balance my precarious diaper bag filled with: every size of diaper, a juice bottle, 3-4 pairs o...
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A Letter to Zoe

Posted by Briana Meade on Tuesday, July 23, 2013, In : Parenting 

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Posted by Briana Meade on Sunday, March 24, 2013,
I'm on vacation at my parents in North Carolina for two weeks. So thankful for the little things: the glasses of water my mom makes me drink, the food that is placed on the table before my eyes. This pregnancy has been exhausting for me. Just  when I am certain I can pick myself up, I get thrown down again. I'm having a hard time accepting the fact that my body is NOT going to cooperate, no matter how many cups of coffee I drink. Instead, I am learning to go with the waves, let them pull me i...
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Dear Baby #2

Posted by Briana Meade on Thursday, February 7, 2013, In : Mom's 
I'm 18 weeks pregnant.
 In case you missed the memo in the last couple blog posts, my husband and I are anticipating the birth of baby #2. I guess I've been sort of "anticipating" it, but not quite the same way as I waited for Zoe. This time around, I don't have as many questions. I'm just sort of used to the groaning wake-up call of my first baby jolting me awake another day. I drink a coffee everyday. (Yes, I do, and I'm not going to apologize for the sort-of-guilty-way I feel about it becau...

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So Very Much Has Changed

Posted by Briana Meade on Thursday, January 24, 2013, In : Career 
It's been a big year. In the last year, I've watched Zoe grow into a 1 1/2 year old, wild toddler with her own opinion about everything. I've seen Chris excel at his job and become a man I am ever more proud of,  and I've watched my slow, painful, yet exciting transition into full-time mommy, part-time careerist.

The last process was the most difficult. I've felt like yelling "NO! I'm not ready for this!". I've literally kicked, screamed, and fought my way through motherhood (much the way leav...

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Secret Joys

Posted by Briana Meade on Wednesday, January 9, 2013, In : Mom's 
Dear Zoe,
I probably won't let you read this until you are a mom yourself, because there are too many complex feelings that I can't work out. Here's the deal: I haven't really loved being a mom, until today. Before you feel upset, or like it's your fault, let me tell you this: it has nothing to do with how great you are. Everyone is always telling me how "good" you are, how wonderful your behavior is, and how you are such an easy baby.

For months now, I've been unable to pinpoint the problem. ...

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Sleepy Time With Bunny

Posted by Briana Meade on Thursday, February 16, 2012,

It has been a whopping two weeks since my last post. In that time, Zoe has rolled over, (I know, yippee!) and learned to become an incredible jumping machine. She jumps so fast, she is a "blur" in real time.

The new problem with the Zo is night time. Up until now, Zoe has fallen asleep without a peep. She has even been known to pass out while jumping, a phenomenon I wish I could achieve (can you imagine, you're jumping up to say hello to someone, and then're asleep).

Her incred...
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Welcoming in 2012

Posted by Briana Meade on Sunday, January 1, 2012, In : Mom's 

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